That Summer Life

Hey everyone!

Happy (almost) summer to you all! For those who are finishing up finals, best of luck and congratulations. To those who have been done for a while (like me), I hope you’re enjoying your break. I’ve been at home in Southern California for the past 3 weeks, which has been wonderful and relaxing to say the least. I always forget how different Boston and Orange County are from each other!

Since I’ve been home, I’ve been doing… absolutely nothing. Shopping here and there, attending hot yoga classes (any Bikram fans?), running occasionally, eating too much, seeing friends, visiting family, and playing with my dog… but honestly, not really doing anything. It’s quite a change of pace from school, where I constantly have something to do, someone to see, somewhere to go. It’s not that I’m anything important, but just that in school you always have a long to-do list that you can never quite finish.

I like to fill my summers up with activities (besides summer school, research, jobs, etc). Like, projects! For example: read a book a week, draw & paint more, clean my closet… I haven’t really found anything to do yet, but I’m sure I can think of something, right? It’s like a late New Year’s Resolution thing.

My parents have lately been trying a pseudo-Paleo diet, where they eat very minimal starchy carbs (rice, noodles, bread) and tons of proteins and healthy carbs (fruit & vegetables). I’ve been trying it, too, and it feels pretty normal in that I don’t see/feel a difference in my body, but they assure me that it’ll come with time. I guess now that I’m more aware of how much carbs I’m eating, I don’t crave rice/noodles/bread/etc as much anymore. Huh. Have any of you tried this high-protein, low-carb thing? Pretty sure it’s similar to the Atkins diet, but I have limited knowledge on dieting trends.

That being said, and given the fact that I’ve been exercising more, I’ve been trying to be healthier overall. Which means–you guessed it–minimal baking. (boo….) I’m going to try to pick up cooking, though, and I’ve been finding a lot of really interesting and delicious-looking ~healthy~ foods that don’t taste like cardboard. And of course, I will bake when it’s needed ^_^

Sorry for the sporadic posting, by the way. Perhaps my belated resolution should be to post once a week about things I find scouring the internet and things I want to do. I’ll start with this:

I’ve been brainstorming how to decorate my dorm room next year at school. It’s a 12’x12′ single, but I have no idea what it looks like. I’m thinking of going for a vintage look, maybe put one of these signs around…

I also get a lot of decorating inspiration (for my room, at least) from here: (and also Pinterest, Buzzfeed, and Google Images, of course).

And one last thing before I go: saw an article on Buzzfeed about Chick-fil-A, and was wondering how to make their amazing sauce… there’s copycat recipes all over, including this one! Gotta try it now with some waffle fries ^_^


Have a great weekend everybody!

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