Welcome to Fall…ish?

School has started. Classes are underway. There are too many meetings to attend. And what’s more–IT’S SO COLD TODAY. It’s only halfway through September; it’s not supposed to be THIS cold already! (For those of you not in Boston, it’s currently 57F. Ew.)

Updates on my life as of late:
1. Did research at Tufts during the summer.
2. Studied for and took the MCAT at the end of August.
3. Traveled to Niagara Falls for a weekend with the boyfriend and his fam.


4. Moved into an awesome house (school-owned, so no landlords or bills) with some awesome people.

5. Decorated aforementioned house.

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6. Took on too much responsibility in too many extracurriculars… again. Derp.

7. Family came and visited for a weekend! We spent a night at a friend’s in New Hampshire and went apple picking.

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8. Eating healthier & working out again. (Planning to run a 5k in a couple weeks!)

Over the summer, I also tried a bunch of cool restaurants in the area, such as Not Your Average Joe’s, Marliave, Dali, and (not new to me, but my favorite) Elephant Walk. Tip about Not Your Average Joe’s: they give you a free entree AND dessert on your birthday when you sign up for their mailing/birthday list! Be sure to sign up at least three weeks before, though, or it might not go through in time. Also, Elephant Walk is the bomb-diggety. Try the duck crepe if you go for dinner. Spoiler: it’s life-changing. No hyperbole there.

One of my goals for this year is to post here (about food, travels, my feelings) once a week. Apologies if you were expecting just food-related things! I promise that food will still be a part of my life!

OMG I forgot to mention: I’m doing a low-carb high protein diet. Basically, I’m cutting down on starchy carbs like bread, pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes, etc, and eating lots of protein-filled foods like meats, beans, nuts, and tofu. My parents started this diet a few months ago and convinced me to give it a shot, so here I am. It’s actually quite liberating! Even though I can’t eat as many sandwiches as I usually did (it was an everyday thing–I love sandwiches), I’ve been noticing that I feel less sluggish in the middle of the day, don’t feel as “heavy” or like there’s a rock sitting in my stomach all the time, and just have more energy in general. I do eat carbs when I really want them. I allow myself one or two meals per week with carbs, like rice or pasta or a sandwich. It’s kind of like a pseudo-paleo diet… just not as extreme. (I would go paleo but it’s a little difficult to do in the dining hall at school.) I encourage you to give it a shot!

Ok, so now that I’ve sufficiently caught you all up on a good portion of my life, I’m out. Homework is pulling me away. :( I’ll be back soon, I promise! And as I mentioned before, this will be more about life updates AND recipes AND restaurants I want to try/have tried, etc. I might even post some things I learned in my Food, Nutrition, and Culture class! (If that’s not exciting, I don’t know what is.)

Peace, Love, and Cookies,
